Photo by MacdonaldStrand

Most popular of All Time

Most Popular of All Time is the result of a 2012 survey of the many online lists of the mostpopular photographs of all time. These photographs have become so ubiquitous that it is hard to see their content and they have become detached from their context. Here MacDonaldStrand have reduced them to a series of lines and numbered dots and turned them into dot-to-dot drawings to re-engage with the images and to reconsider their content and context.

The photographs redrawn in the dot-to-dot pictures that make up this project are the iconic images of 20th century documentary practice, and often depict violence, war, poverty and revolution. They draw focus on the preoccupations of photographic practice, collecting and viewing as, most often, spectacle and entertainment. Through this, MacDonaldStrand offer an opportunity to revisit and reconsider this tendency, and to respond.

The images are shown in gallery contexts as ‘artworks’ but it is more important for the success of the work that the visitors to the exhibition to fill in, colour and hang their interpretations and reworking as part of the exhibition.
