FORMAT21: Opening Night
Join us to celebrate the launch of FORMAT21 : CONTROL at our digital venue, New Art City.
Featuring special guest speakers
- Louise Fedotov-Clements FORMAT Director
- Professor Keith McLay, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean, College of Arts, Humanities & Education, University of Derby
- Rebecca Blackman, National Director for Engagement & Audiences Arts Council England
- Brian Griffin, photographer & FORMAT Patron
- Marina Paulenka, FORMAT21 Guest Curator
- Adam Buss, CEO QUAD
- New Art City
Ending the evening with a DJ set by Artist Juliana Huxtable an American artist, writer, performer, DJ, and co-founder of the New York-based nightlife project Shock Value and exhibiting in our show Matrix — fluid bodies, unlimited thoughts, curated by Marina Paulenka.
Where her visual art and poetry navigate the complexification of desire in a life increasingly mediated by technology, her music utilizes the sounds of technology itself to construct parallel realities to be inhabited and embodied in rhythm and harmonic tableaux.
Her sets skillfully deploy the notion of sampling, and re-blogging as DJ strategies, ecstatically mixing an array of influences that frolic at the boundary of genre-intuition and experimentation. At once an assertion of freedom and an ode to the evolutionary structure of electronic music subcultures, she aspires to the sublime in what can often only be described as witchcraft behind the decks; seance from the stage.
Click here to register for the Opening Night and we will send you a link to join the launch before the event.