Liu Yang

Liu Yang is the Associate Professor and the Director of Photography, School of New Media Art Department, Sichuan Art Institutions, and Head of Photography Department in Sichuan Art Institutions. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degree from the Photography Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, and she is a visiting scholar at Beijing Film Academy. She is the Deputy Secretary-General of the Photography Education Professional Committee of the China Higher Education Society, Director of the Chongqing Photographers Association, and Director of the China Women Photographers Association. Host of the podcast programme ‘Backlight Radio’.

副教授,四川美术学院实验艺术学院摄影艺术系主任,川美摄影专业负责人。鲁迅美术学院摄影系学士、硕士 ,北京电影学院访问学者。中国高等教育学会摄影教育专业委员会副秘书长,重庆摄影家协会理事,中国女摄影家协会理事。声音节目“逆光电台”主理人。