Photo by Terje Abusdal

Raudan Jälgeä – Spor Etter Jern

Since early 2014 Terje Abusdal has been working on a project in Finnskogen, which directly translated means The Forest of the Finns. It is a large, contiguous forest belt along the Norwegian-Swedish border, where farming families from Finland settled in the early 1600s.

The immigrants – called Forest Finns – were slash-and-burn farmers. This ancient agricultural method yielded bountiful crops, but required large areas of land as the soil was quickly exhausted. Population growth eventually led to a scarcity of resources in their native Finland and, fuelled by famine and war, forced a wave of migration in search for new territories.  

The Forest Finns’ understanding of nature was rooted in an eastern shamanistic tradition, and they are often associated with magic and mystery. Rituals, spells and symbols were used as a practical tool in daily life; that could heal and protect, or safeguard against evil.  

This artistic research project draws on these beliefs while investigating what it means to be a Forest Finn today, some 400 years and twelve generations later, in a time when the 17th-century way of life is long gone, and their language is no longer spoken.” 
