OVERTURE Exhibition Opening

The East Meets West 2024/25 artist cohort invite you to a private view of


Thursday 13th March 2025

17.00 – 19.00

Unit SU219, Derbion, London Road, Derby

Overture is a group exhibition showcasing the works in progress of 20 emerging lens-based practitioners brought together through the East Meets West Masterclass Programme organised by GRAIN Projects, FORMAT and QUAD. This collection of works aims to spark diverse conversations delving into themes of home, family, loss, queer spaces, and identities. One common thread unites all the practitioners: they are each striving towards something greater, contributing meaningfully to the broader discourse of photographic practices and histories.

The exhibition is made possible through the generous support of our partners and sponsors:  FORMAT, GRAIN Projects, QUAD, The University of Derby, Birmingham City University, Hatter Editions, Hahnemühle and Cathedral Quarter Hotel.
