
Feature Shoot 4: Annual Awards

Synchrodogs, an artistic duo from Western Ukraine have been working together since 2008. Their projects have a distinctly surreal feel, blurring the line between the real and the imagined as they explore the everlasting tension between man and nature.
For their work on dreaming Synchrodogs used meditation techniques as they tried to catch the space between wake and sleep that is both familiar and remote. They investigated the stage of non-rapid eye movement sleep, during which people may experience hypnagogic hallucinations caused by the natural process of falling asleep. Experimenting with those lucid dreaming techniques, they usually woke themselves up in the middle of the night to make a note of what they had just seen, gathering their dreams to be staged afterwards.
Nudity, self-excruciation, human nature, primitivism, symbolism, eccentricity, animalism and intuition are amongst the themes communicated by their works.
Synchrodogs have received a number of awards including the FOAM Construct Prize in 2012, First Prize in the Art Photography category, Photographer of The Year, Ukraine; Best Fine Art Photographer in the Vogue Talent competition, Italy and Best Portfolio prize in Weitsprung n5, Germany in 2016.
They have had solo shows in Chicago; London; Barcelona; Krakow; Venice; Amsterdam; Antwerp;  Riga, and at the Contemporary Museum in Dallas.

Past Exhibitions & Events

  • Exhibition
Now Closed
15 March to 14 April 2019